NCAAB Cappers With Best Return On Investment | ||
Past Week Ranked By NCAAB ROI Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each basketball handicapper for the past 7 days. 3 game min. 1 3450 22-13 2 2390 18-12 3 2330 9-4 4 1530 11-5 5 1380 9-4 6 1380 9-4 7 1380 9-4 8 1210 17-10 9 1090 9-5 10 1044 8-4 11 1030 11-5 12 1010 7-3 13 970 7-7 14 750 8-5 15 640 11-10 16 620 5-2 17 550 7-5 18 540 12-9 19 480 6-4 20 450 7-5 | Past Month Ranked By NCAAB ROI Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each basketball handicapper for the past 30 days. 20 game min. 1 9750 97-69 2 7780 41-14 3 6625 39-16 4 6230 65-39 5 5050 37-19 6 4570 33-15 7 4030 33-19 8 3986 37-22 9 3816 31-16 10 3670 46-33 11 3590 30-17 12 3550 54-33 13 2505 32-23 14 2126 30-21 15 2120 29-26 16 1926 91-78 17 1685 34-26 18 1680 32-25 19 1640 58-49 20 1399 32-24 | Current Season Ranked By NCAAB ROI Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each basketball handicapper for the season. 30 game min. 1 22405 130-53 2 18125 151-86 3 12350 148-101 4 11513 136-91 5 10592 116-74 6 10313 131-91 7 9147 139-99 8 9132 142-104 9 8631 146-105 10 8033 142-105 11 6732 119-87 12 6670 365-312 13 6350 250-210 14 6200 147-110 15 5098 128-101 16 3846 129-111 17 3462 134-112 18 3310 115-93 19 3245 119-97 20 2710 122-104 |
NCAAB Cappers With Best Win Percentage | ||
Past Week Ranked By NCAAB Win % Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each basketball handicapper for the past 7 days. 3 game min. 1 71.4 5-2 2 70 7-3 3 69.2 9-4 4 69.2 9-4 5 69.2 9-4 6 69.2 9-4 7 68.8 11-5 8 68.8 11-5 9 66.7 8-4 10 64.3 9-5 11 63 17-10 12 62.9 22-13 13 61.5 8-5 14 60 18-12 15 60 6-4 16 58.3 7-5 17 58.3 7-5 18 58.3 7-5 19 57.1 12-9 20 57.1 8-6 | Past Month Ranked By NCAAB Win % Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each basketball handicapper for the past 30 days. 20 game min. 1 74.5 41-14 2 70.9 39-16 3 68.8 33-15 4 66.1 37-19 5 66 31-16 6 63.8 30-17 7 63.5 33-19 8 62.7 37-22 9 62.5 65-39 10 62.1 54-33 11 58.8 30-21 12 58.4 97-69 13 58.2 46-33 14 58.2 32-23 15 57.1 32-24 16 57.1 12-9 17 56.9 33-25 18 56.7 34-26 19 56.4 31-24 20 56.1 32-25 | Current Season Ranked By NCAAB Win % Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each basketball handicapper for the season. 30 game min. 1 71 130-53 2 63.7 151-86 3 61.1 116-74 4 59.9 136-91 5 59.4 148-101 6 59 131-91 7 58.4 139-99 8 58.2 146-105 9 57.8 119-87 10 57.7 142-104 11 57.5 142-105 12 57.2 147-110 13 55.9 128-101 14 55.3 115-93 15 55.1 119-97 16 54.6 107-89 17 54.5 134-112 18 54.3 250-210 19 54 122-104 20 53.9 365-312 |
All rankings are compiled by the same college basketball picks provided to the subscribed members of each individual handicapper service.
Our college basketball ranking lists are updated every evening and consist of the past 7 days, 30 days or season of NCAAB picks.
All handicappers are required to meet a minimum number of picks to be included in the top handicapper ranks.
Top 20 lists only display handicappers above 0 earned units and/or 0 win %
Explanation of Ranking System
NCAAB Cappers With Best Return On Investment |
Current Season Ranked By NCAAB ROI Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each 1 22405 130-53 2 18125 151-86 3 12350 148-101 4 11513 136-91 5 10592 116-74 6 10313 131-91 7 9147 139-99 8 9132 142-104 9 8631 146-105 10 8033 142-105 11 6732 119-87 12 6670 365-312 13 6350 250-210 14 6200 147-110 15 5098 128-101 16 3846 129-111 17 3462 134-112 18 3310 115-93 19 3245 119-97 20 2710 122-104 |
Past Week Ranked By NCAAB ROI Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each 1 3450 22-13 2 2390 18-12 3 2330 9-4 4 1530 11-5 5 1380 9-4 6 1380 9-4 7 1380 9-4 8 1210 17-10 9 1090 9-5 10 1044 8-4 11 1030 11-5 12 1010 7-3 13 970 7-7 14 750 8-5 15 640 11-10 16 620 5-2 17 550 7-5 18 540 12-9 19 480 6-4 20 450 7-5 |
Past Month Ranked By NCAAB ROI Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each 1 9750 97-69 2 7780 41-14 3 6625 39-16 4 6230 65-39 5 5050 37-19 6 4570 33-15 7 4030 33-19 8 3986 37-22 9 3816 31-16 10 3670 46-33 11 3590 30-17 12 3550 54-33 13 2505 32-23 14 2126 30-21 15 2120 29-26 16 1926 91-78 17 1685 34-26 18 1680 32-25 19 1640 58-49 20 1399 32-24 |
NCAAB Cappers With Best Win Percentage |
Current Season Ranked By NCAAB Win % Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each 1 71 130-53 2 63.7 151-86 3 61.1 116-74 4 59.9 136-91 5 59.4 148-101 6 59 131-91 7 58.4 139-99 8 58.2 146-105 9 57.8 119-87 10 57.7 142-104 11 57.5 142-105 12 57.2 147-110 13 55.9 128-101 14 55.3 115-93 15 55.1 119-97 16 54.6 107-89 17 54.5 134-112 18 54.3 250-210 19 54 122-104 20 53.9 365-312 |
Past Week Ranked By NCAAB Win % Rank calculated from NCAAB basketeball picks provided by each 1 71.4 5-2 2 70 7-3 3 69.2 9-4 4 69.2 9-4 5 69.2 9-4 6 69.2 9-4 7 68.8 11-5 8 68.8 11-5 9 66.7 8-4 10 64.3 9-5 11 63 17-10 12 62.9 22-13 13 61.5 8-5 14 60 18-12 15 60 6-4 16 58.3 7-5 17 58.3 7-5 18 58.3 7-5 19 57.1 12-9 20 57.1 8-6 |
Past Month Ranked By NCAAB Win % Rank calculated from NCAAB basketball picks provided by each 1 74.5 41-14 2 70.9 39-16 3 68.8 33-15 4 66.1 37-19 5 66 31-16 6 63.8 30-17 7 63.5 33-19 8 62.7 37-22 9 62.5 65-39 10 62.1 54-33 11 58.8 30-21 12 58.4 97-69 13 58.2 46-33 14 58.2 32-23 15 57.1 32-24 16 57.1 12-9 17 56.9 33-25 18 56.7 34-26 19 56.4 31-24 20 56.1 32-25 |
All rankings are compiled by the same NCAAB Basketball picks provided to the subscribed members of each individual handicapper service. Our college basketball ranking lists are updated every evening and consist of the past 7 days, 30 days or season of NCAAB picks. All handicappers are required to meet a minimum number of picks to be included in the top handicapper ranks. Top 20 lists only display handicappers above 0 earned units and/or 0 win %
Explanation of Ranking System